Chad Launches National Health Campaign to Combat Malaria

In an effort to curb the spread of malaria, Chad has initiated a comprehensive national campaign targeting public awareness and reinforcing preventive measures. The campaign...

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Chadian Embassy Launches Ambitious Diplomatic Outreach Program

In a move to strengthen diplomatic ties, the Embassy of Chad has announced new initiatives aimed at fostering collaboration and enhancing international relations. The Chadian...

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Chad Hosts Regional Summit to Address Water Scarcity and Foster Sustainable Solutions

Chad Hosts Regional Summit to Address Water Scarcity and Foster Sustainable Solutions

Chad convenes regional leaders in a crucial summit aimed at discussing challenges related to water scarcity and seeking sustainable solutions. Summit participants are addressing strategies...

Chad and Neighboring Countries Collaborate on Transboundary Conservation Efforts

Chad and Neighboring Countries Collaborate on Transboundary Conservation Efforts

Chad and its neighboring countries continue to collaborate to preserve the natural environment and biodiversity in border regions. The initiative involves information exchange and joint...


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